The Basket Building (United States)
What started out as a dream by Dave Longaberger, Founder of The Longaberger
Company, has been built Home Office into a giant basket to house the entire
corporate offices of the company. Dave believed the idea was one of his best
and would draw attention to the company, while simultaneously helping to
build our brand.However, when he started spreading the idea of building a
Home Office that was really a basket, he found that most people just thought
that Dave was making a joke as Dave was a notorious practical joker. Not only
did the bankers, architects and construction companies not take Dave seriously,
neither did many of the employees who worked for The Longaberger Company,
but Dave persevered. The dream was achieved on December 17, 1997 when the
Home Office that is designed to resemble a basket finally opened for business.
個巨大的提籃,這是創始人Dave Longaberger的想法,事實上
Dave Longaberger認為這是他最好的一個想法!此建築物的外觀是
Dave Longaberger這個想法並不能夠實行,還將這個主意當成了一個
玩笑,認為建築師和建設公司不會採取Dave Longaberger這個天馬行
空的想法,Dave Longaberger也沒有很多的員工。不過因為
Dave Longaberger的堅持,這個曾經被認為不可能實現的想法,終於